Jobs & JDs
Jobs & JDs, NALP’s signature research publication each year, is a collection, compilation, and analysis of data on the employment experiences of ABA-accredited law school graduates. Larissa managed a complete redesign of the 140-page 2016 book. She works directly with the Director of Research to translate the exported data into readable and branded content and oversees the creation of ancillary pieces related to Jobs & JDs.
PD Quarterly
The PD Quarterly journal focuses on research and trends in the legal professional development field. In every issue leading experts in lawyer professional development, career development, and talent management present advanced-level content in core areas of lawyer PD — sharing research, best practices, lessons learned, and new
developments in the field. Larissa produces the journal each quarter and managed a redesign in 2015 for a fresh update.
View PD Quarterly samples:
Member Resources
NALP members participate in affinity groups called Sections and board members work in Task Forces or Work Groups. With the support of NALP staff, these groups produce research and resources for members. Larissa is the point person for the design and layout of these pieces.
View samples of NALP member resources:
NALP independently publishes a variety of books for the legal field. Larissa is involved in various ways depending on the book. She works with the authors to create the covers; for some, she produces the entire book. Larissa also produces the visual marketing for the NALP-published collection.