South Pacific and Other Travels eBook
Jack and Dorothy Fields worked in the height of the magazine era – he as a photographer and she as a writer. Together they were published in National Geographic, Life magazine and many others. After both Jack and Dorothy passed, all of their work and artifacts were donated to the McDougall Center for Photojournalism Studies at the University of Missouri School of Journalism.
This interactive eBook, created by Jonathan Stephanoff, combines Jack’s photography with Dorothy’s published writing, organized by areas of the world in which they worked. South Pacific and Other Travels is a beautiful tribute to this dynamic journalism couple.
Event & Exhibit Photography
Exhibit Space
In addition to the eBook, Jonathan curated an exhibit of the Fields’ work. This video shows the Jack and Dorothy Fields South Pacific Exhibit at the McDougall Center for Photojournalism Studies Gallery at the University of Missouri’s School of Journalism in Columbia, MO. The photo gallery documents the mixed-media exhibit and captures the gallery opening and cultural artifact auction.
Exhibit Video
Jack & Dorothy Fields Exhibit Video
Jonathan produced this video featuring existing footage of Jack and Dorothy telling their own story. The video was shown as part of the exhibit at the McDougall Center for Photojournalism Studies.
Exhibit Print Design
Exhibit Print Design Pieces
These posters and post cards, featuring Jack Fields’ images, promote the gallery opening event and the exhibit schedule. The larger layouts were part of the exhibit itself.